Tracy Higgins
Professor of Law
Co-Director, Leitner Center for International Law and Justice
PRINCETON, A.B., 1986, magna cum laude
HARVARD, J.D., 1990, magna cum laude
- Law Clerk to Judge Levin Campbell, U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit (1990-91)
- Women’s Law and Public Policy Fellow, Georgetown University Law Center (1991-92)
- Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University Law Center (Spring 1992)
- Editor, Harvard Law Review
- Legal Pluralism, Gender, and Access to Land in Ghana, 23 Fordham Envtl. Law Rev. 7 (with Jeanmarie Fenrich) (2012).
- Customary Law, Gender Equality, and the Family: The Promise and Limits of a Choice Paradigm in THE FUTURE OF AFRICAN CUSTOMARY LAW, Cambridge University Press, Jeanmarie Fenrich, Paolo Galizzi, and Tracy Higgins, eds. (with Jeanmarie Fenrich) (2011)
- THE FUTURE OF AFRICAN CUSTOMARY LAW, Cambridge University Press (Co-Editor with Jeanmarie Fenrich and Paolo Galizzi) (2011).
- We Will Still Live: Confronting Stigma and Discrimination Against Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Malawi, Fordham Int’l L. J. (with Jeanmarie Fenrich and Chi Mgbako) (2008).
- Gender Equality and Customary Marriage: Bargaining in the Shadow of Post-Apartheid Legal Pluralism, Fordham Int’l L. J. (with Jeanmarie Fenrich and Ziona Tanzer) (2008).
- Book Review: Are Women Human? And Other International Dialogues by Catharine A.MacKinnon, Yale J. L. & Feminism (2006).
- Constitutional Chicken Soup, Fordham L. Rev. (Fall 2006) (symposium contribution).
- The Children Left Behind: Roma Access to Education in Contemporary Romania, Fordham Int’l L. J. (with Martin Flaherty and Aram Schvey) (2006).
- Exporting Despair: United States Foreign Aid Policy and the Right to Health Care in Kenya, Fordham Int’l L. J. (with Martin Flaherty and Mehlika Hoodbhoy)(2006).
- A Reflection on the Uses and Limits of Western Feminism in a Global Context, T. Jefferson L. Rev. (2006).
- No Recourse: Multinational Corporations and the Protection of Social, Economic, and Cultural Rights in Bolivia, Fordham Int’l L. J. (with Maria McFarland)(Spring 2004).
- Gender, Sexuality, and Power: Is Feminist Theory Enough?, Colum. J. Gender & L. (with Brenda Cossman, Dan Danielson, and Janet Halley) (2003).
- Job Segregation, Gender Blindness, and Employee Agency, Me. L. Rev. (Spring 2003).
- Promise Unfulfilled: Law, Culture, and Women’s Inheritance Rights in Ghana, Fordham Int’l L. J. (with Jeanmarie Fenrich) (Spring 2002).
- Agency, Equality, and Antidiscrimination Law, Cornell L. Rev. (with Laura Rosenbury) (Spring 2000).
- Reviving the Public/Private Distinction in Feminist Theorizing, in Symposium: Unfinished Feminist Business, Chi.-Kent L. Rev. (Spring 2000).
- “One Country, Two Systems?”: Rule of Law, Democracy, and Rights in Hong Kong Two Years After Reversion to Chinese Sovereignty, Fordham Int’l L. J. (Winter 1999).
- Justice on Trial: State Security Courts, Police Impunity, and the Intimidation of Defense Lawyers in Turkey, Fordham Int’l L. J. (Summer 1999).
- Democracy and Feminism, reprinted in INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF ESSAYS IN LAW AND LEGAL THEORY: FAMILY, STATE, AND LAW (Michael D. Freeman ed., 1999).
- Regarding Rights: An Essay in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 30 Colum. Hum. Rts L. Rev. 225 (1998).
- Democracy and Feminism, 110 Harv. L. Rev. 1657 (1997).
- Straying from The Path, 110 Harv. L. Rev. (1997) (solicited essay commemorating the 100th anniversary of the publication of Oliver Wendell Holmes’ The Path of the Law).