Catherine Powell
Professor of Law
Twitter ID: ProfCatherine
YALE LAW SCHOOL, J.D., 1992 (Earl Warren Scholar)
PRINCETOWN UNIVERSITY, M.P.A., 1991, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
- Co-Chair, Blacks of the American Society of International Law
- Council on Foreign Relations, Women and Foreign Policy, Adjunct Senior Fellow
American Journal of International Law, Board of Editors Member
American Society of International Law, Executive Council
- Founding Executive Director, Human Rights Institute, Columbia Law School (1998-02)
- Assistant Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense Fund (1994-98)
- Law Clerk, Judge Leonard Sand, SDNY (1993-94)
- Ford Fellow in Public International Law, Harvard Law School (1992-93)
- Senior Editor, Yale Law Journal
- The “Welfare Queen” Goes to the Polls: Race-Based Fractures in Gender Politics and Opportunities for Intersectional Discrimination, Geo L.J. 19th Amend. Special Edition 105 (2020) (with Camille Gear Rich)
- Race, Gender, and Nation in an Age of Shifting Borders: The Unstable Prisms of Motherhood and Masculinity, 24 UCLA J. Int’l Foreign Aff. 133 (2020)
- We the People: These United Divided States, 40 Cardozo Law Review (2019)
- Race, Gender, and Nation in an Age of Shifting Borders, UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs (2019)
- How Women Could Save the World, If Only We Would Let Them: From Gender Essentialism to Inclusive Security, 28 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism (2017)
- Gender Indicators as Global Governance: Not Your Father’s World Bank, 17 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law (2016), reprinting chapter in Big Data, Big Challenges in Evidence-Based Policy Making (Kumar Jayasuriya ed., 2015) (West Academic Press, Publisher)
- Up from Marriage: Freedom, Solitude, and Individual Autonomy in the Shadow of Marriage Equality, 84 Fordham L. Rev. 69 (2015)
- Agora: Reflections on Zivotofsky v. Kerry: Presidential Signing Statements and Dialogic Constitutionalism, 109 AJIL Unbound 51 (2015)
- Libya: Indicative of a Multilateral Constitutional Moment? 106 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 298 (2012)
- Remarks on Revolution and Intervention in the Middle East panel at the 2011 American Society of International Law (ASIL) Annual Meeting In PROCEEDINGS of the 105th ANNUAL MEETING of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW on HARMONY AND DISSONANCE IN INTERNATIONAL LAW (2012), pp. 561-63
- Scholars’ Statement of Principles for the New President on U.S. Detention Policy: An Agenda for Change 47 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL LAW 339 (2009) (served as reporter, with other prominent scholars listed as co-signatories) [earlier versions submitted to then-President-elect Obama’s transition team and as Prepared Testimony to the Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution, Committee on the Judiciary, “Restoring the Rule of Law” Hearing (prepared by Catherine Powell on behalf of the Center for American Progress)]
- International Law and the Constitution: Terms of Engagement: Foreword 77 FORDHAM LAW REVIEW 399-410 (2008)
- Human Rights in the United States: Forward (with Sarah Cleveland) 40 COLUMBIA HUMAN RIGHTS LAW REVIEW 1-6 (2008)
- A Tale of Two Traditions: International Cooperation and American Exceptionalism in U.S. Human Rights Policy chapter in THE FUTURE OF HUMAN RIGHTS: U.S. POLICY FOR A NEW ERA (William F. Schulz, ed., University of Pennsylvania Press, Spring 2008)
- Tinkering with Torture in the Aftermath of Hamdan: Testing the Relationship Between Internationalism and Constitutionalism (NYU J. Intl L. & Politics)
- Lifting Our Veil of Ignorance: Women, Culture and Constitutionalism in Post-September 11 America, forthcoming HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL (2005)
- The Role of Transnational Norm Entrepreneurs in the U.S. ‘War on Terrorism,’ 5 THEORETICAL INQUIRIES IN LAW 47 (January 2004)
- Louis Henkin and Human Rights: A New Deal at Home and Abroad (Oral History of Louis Henkin’s life) chapter in BRINGING HUMAN RIGHTS HOME (Catherine Albisa, Martha Davis, Cynthia Soohoo, eds.) Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, January 2008)(2002)
- United States Human Rights Policy in the 21st Century in an Age of Multilateralism, 46 SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY LAW JOURNAL 421 (Spring 2002)
- Geographies of Hunger, chapter in Transnational Legal Processes: Globalisation and Power Disparities (Butterworths Tolley, Michael Likosky, ed., 2002)
- Recognizing the Interdependence of Rights in the Antidiscrimination Context through the World Conference against Racism 34 COLUMBIA HUMAN RIGHTS LAW REVIEW (w/ Jennifer H. Lee) 235 (2002)
- Dialogic Federalism: Constitutional Possibilities for Incorporation of Human Rights Law in the United States, 150 PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW 245 (November 2001)
- Human Rights and the (Mis)uses of Culture, chapter in Race, Ethnicity and Gender in the Americas (American University Publications, Celina Romany, ed., 2001)
- Locating Culture, Identity and Human Rights, 30 COLUMBIA HUMAN RIGHTS LAW REVIEW 201 (Spring 1999) (Introduction to Symposium Issue Celebrating Fiftieth Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
- (Dis)assembling Rights of Women Workers Along the Global Assembly Line: Human Rights and the Garment Industry (with Leti Volpp and Laura Ho) 31 HARVARD CIVIL RIGHTS AND CIVIL LIBERTIES 383 (Summer 1996), reprinted in Global Critical Race Feminism (Adrien Wing, ed., 2000)
- ‘Life’ at Guantanamo: The Wrongful Detention of Haitian Refugees, 2 Reconstruction 58 (R. Kennedy, ed., Harvard Law School, 1993)