International Law & Development in Africa

This clinic course will provide the opportunity for you, as a Fordham law student, to bring the achievement of the MDG’s closer to fruition in a very real way — through the conceptualization and implementation of an MDG related project. You will partner with colleagues in law schools in Africa to propose a project and assist in the implementation of the project over the course of the term.

IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD, the International Law & Development in Africa Clinic works on the implementation of legal projects, particularly in the area of traditional legal systems, law and development, access to justice and rule of law programs.  The clinic adopts a human rights based approach: the focus is on the contribution that legal rules and reforms can make toward achieving development and eradicating poverty.  Clinic projects are designed to engage students in capacity-building activities and expose you to the realities and challenges of working in countries with different legal cultures and scarce resources.  More than one billion people still live in extreme proverty. The international community meeting held at the United Nations headquarters at the dawn of the new millenium set out a bold agenda for the 21st century. The Millenium Declaration, endorsed by world leaders, set out a process that led to the adoption of time-bound and measurable goals for combatting poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women.

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Leitner Center for International Law and Justice
Fordham University School of Law
150 West 62nd Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10023 USA

Email: LeitnerCenter@law.fordham.edu
Telephone: 212.636.6862
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Faculty and Staff
Emily Smith Ewing
Adjunct Professor
Corporate Social Responsibility Program, Leitner Center for International Law and Justice & Human Rights Compliance, Fordham Law School Compliance MSL Online Program
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